Astrolutely Fabulous! | established in 2000

MONDAY, 21 October – SUNDAY, 27 October


We are in the season of spirits and spooks and things that go bump in the night. Here in the United Kingdom, the nights are drawing in, the mornings are darker and little clouds of mist hover over the dips in the road. And we have the astrology to match. On Tuesday, the Sun will square Pluto before entering the sign of Scorpio.

We are entering the deeps.

In your individual weekly and In-depth Audio forecasts for the coming week, I talk about the word confrontation. It is the perfect word for a Sun-Pluto aspect. First and foremost, confrontation means bringing a situation into the light and thoroughly examining it. Tackling the elephant. But there is that other meaning of the word which implies conflict. And we are already in an extended season of war.

Things come to a head on a Pluto transit; things that are buried surface, so this is also a season of secrets and scandals.

In my last video, I talk about facing our fears, which is one of the best things we can do on a major Pluto transit. Fears intensify in the dark, but they lose their power in the light. So, rather than hope against hope that nothing “difficult” happens during the course of the week, embrace this formidable influence and examine a situation, warts and all. You’ll almost certainly find that it is more manageable that you thought.

My New Moon in Scorpio out soon. To Subscribe and get Notifications Click Here

Onward and Starward,