Astrolutely Fabulous! | established in 2000



The Week Ahead for Gemini

Monday, 29 July – Sunday, 4 August

Get ready for a month that is going to change the map. Aside from travel and new people and new places, developments both on the world’s stage and a little closer to home may mean your plans have to change. On the plus side, people you meet could open your eyes to new possibilities and an attraction could be sparked with someone who is “not your type”. And, on the minus side, you could become involved in a situation that does you no favours whatsoever.  Be a little more cautious with the information you give out and the commitments you make.

Look before you leap.

See last week’s forecast below.

Click here for my YouTube videos.

Monday, 22 July – Sunday, 28 July

Mars has only just entered your sign but already you may be experiencing a sense of frustration with those things that are refusing to budge. You want to get on with life. You want things to move faster. However, what you may now discover is the real reason why something has been held up, the real reason why someone has been making life difficult. It is a time of revelations. By contrast, you could find yourself on a journey, whether in miles, experience or knowledge, that will fundamentally change you and your outlook. Nothing is for nothing. Synchronicities abound.

Life is a journey.

See the month ahead forecast below.

Click here for my YouTube videos.

The Month Ahead for Gemini

July 2024

First Jupiter and now Mars enters your sign, picking up the pace and urging you to be adventurous and courageous. Whatever you have lined up will not turn out exactly as planned, although in most instances that’s going to be a serious plus. Normally, Geminis like to keep their options open but you may have no choice other than to nail your colours to the mast. Whether for financial reasons or for the sake of something or someone you value, you’re going to have to stand up and be counted. It’s good to discover that you really do have what it takes. 

See the Year Ahead Forecasts below

The Year Ahead for Gemini

You might like to think of the first half of the year as a time of preparation and a period when you must make a supreme effort to overcome challenges while in the second half, one or more of your ships comes in… In your twenties, thirties, forties and fifties, you will be looking at where you want to be ten, twenty, thirty years down the line, whereas if you’re in your sixties and beyond, you may already be living your best life, the one you spent years crafting and grafting for. Since Pluto’s theme is transformation, whether you are part of the younger or older generation, your plans for the future will change, not only as a result of your growth and personal experience but because of the great global changes that lie ahead.