Astrolutely Fabulous! | established in 2000



The Week Ahead for Sagittarius

Monday, 22 July – Sunday, 28 July

Mars has only just entered your seventh solar house so it is too soon to judge whether you are about to become the object of someone’s admiration or the focus for their wrath, but with both Mars and the Sun angling mighty Pluto you should be receiving some signals. On Pluto’s watch, secrets are revealed and light shed in dark places, and often those things that come to light are feelings and opinions you yourself have been suppressing. This is an opportune time to clear the air and bring to light issues that could damage a relationship if left to fester.

Clearing the air.

See last week’s forecast below.

Click here for my YouTube videos.

Monday, 15 July – Sunday, 21 July

Sometimes impulse gestures turn out well, but sometimes they do not. So, before you act in the moment, think it through. Actions have consequences, and when Mars and Mercury are angling Uranus, those consequences could prove irreversible. The week has an unusual and startling aura to it, which may translate as happy accidents and welcome surprises. On the other hand, you may find that you have to alter your plans at the last moment or build into your schedule new and unexpected developments. On Sunday, the second full moon on the axis of finance and self-worth takes place, inspiring closure and completion.

Tread with care.

See the month ahead forecast below.

Click here for my YouTube videos.

The Month Ahead for Sagittarius

July 2024

Self-reflection is good; beating yourself up is not. Regrets that a relationship or an endeavour did not work out are natural but your focus now needs to be on the future. However, in some instances, reaching into the past and wondering whether something or someone you walked away from needs to be revisited, is to be taken seriously. Especially later in the month, the past is playing heavily into your thinking and into events. And for a reason. Unless you have closure, the new projects and relationships you are trying to build will not stand the test of time.

See the Year Ahead Forecasts below

The Year Ahead for Sagittarius

A year when Jupiter spends time in your opposite sign is a good year. So, however the year begins, whatever the state of your finances, your love-life, the world (!), remind yourself that this is not how your life is going to look by the end of the year… If you are nursing a broken heart or have given up on love, a twelve-month period awaits in which you can turn a sad song into a chorus of happiness… Pluto’s passage through the third house will help you navigate difficult journeys and, in the process, develop strategies and belief systems that will transform your life for the better.