Astrolutely Fabulous! | established in 2000



The Week Ahead for Sagittarius

Monday, 16 September – Sunday, 22 September

On Wednesday, the first eclipse in an eighteen-month season of eclipses affecting your life-direction axis takes place. Like all lunar eclipses, it marks the end of a chapter, in this case related to your home and family, on the one hand, and your career and material world, on the other. At the very least, it is time to make sure that your work-life balance is what it should be and that you are neither neglecting home and family because of your career or vice versa. Perhaps you are planning to move home or expecting to leave a job, but if there is nothing already on the horizon, fasten your seatbelt.

Sorting your priorities.

See last week’s forecast below.

Click here for my YouTube videos.

Monday, 9 September – Sunday, 15 September

Jupiter, your ruling planet, takes the spotlight and, in tandem, so may you. Perhaps you have a special event already scheduled or maybe you can sense a positive development in the pipeline, but one way or another, this is a period of growth, opportunity and joy. All good Jupiter words. Not that everything in Jupiter-land is fortunate. It’s not so great when difficulties increase or minor irritations morph into major hostilities! Maintain your centre and neither overdo the joy or exaggerate the pain.

Nothing in excess.

See the month ahead forecast below.

Click here for my YouTube videos.

The Month Ahead for Sagittarius

September 2024

Reality is a beautiful thing, even if you don’t like the look of it at first. Something to keep in mind in the event that you discover what and/or who has been undermining you. For many Sagittarians, career is the focus for any changes and revelations, but for others, home and family are in the frame. The lunar eclipse (18th) signals the end of a chapter, and in mysterious ways. What happens in September will pave the way for overall life improvements, so rather than chase after what you appear to have lost, seek new outlets for your talents and interests.

See the Year Ahead Forecasts below

The Year Ahead for Sagittarius

A year when Jupiter spends time in your opposite sign is a good year. So, however the year begins, whatever the state of your finances, your love-life, the world (!), remind yourself that this is not how your life is going to look by the end of the year… If you are nursing a broken heart or have given up on love, a twelve-month period awaits in which you can turn a sad song into a chorus of happiness… Pluto’s passage through the third house will help you navigate difficult journeys and, in the process, develop strategies and belief systems that will transform your life for the better.