Astrolutely Fabulous! | established in 2000



The Week Ahead for Cancer

Monday, 22 July – Sunday, 28 July

How do you make your garden grow? Not with silver bells and cockle shells, but with good compost! As in the garden, so in life. It is the hard times and the situations that descend on us, uninvited and unwanted, that forge growth and ultimately transform our lives for the better. Keep this in mind as you go through this second half of July because many of the developments on both the world’s stage and in the lives of family and friends are the stuff of future success and happiness. Maybe the time has come to cut your losses or at least start a damage-limitation exercise.


See last week’s forecast below.

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Monday, 15 July – Sunday, 21 July

It could be time to break with tradition and take an unorthodox route to your objectives. On the one hand, Monday’s Mars-Uranus conjunction is about shocks and surprises and leaps of faith, while Sunday’s full moon augurs an ending. It may be that you have come to the end of a long period of preparation and a celebration is due; then again, it could be that an unexpected development inspires changes in a long-planned event. This full moon is the bookend to the new moon of 11 January, so what came into being at that time has reached completion.

The sense of an ending.

See the month ahead forecast below.

Click here for my YouTube videos.

The Month Ahead for Cancer

July 2024

Regaining control and finding your power are your tasks for July. Whether you’re on vacation, manning the family ship or simply going about the business of life, you need not give way to other people’s demands, needs and bad behaviour. Take charge and don’t be afraid to make bold moves, especially on or around the weekend of the 13th. The weekend of the 20th is a period of transition and transformation: it is the time to set the seal on a deal but also to recognize that in order to find the happiness you seek, you have to change and stand up for yourself.

See the Year Ahead Forecasts below

The Year Ahead for Cancer

April looks to be a month of turning points, with opportunities arising suddenly and out of nowhere and old roads running out to reveal shiny new ones… Neptune is a happy camper in your ninth house. Its role is to reveal what lies beyond: it can open up realms that were previously inaccessible to you, expanding your consciousness and transforming your world view.  Inasmuch as Saturn is making you aware of what needs to be done or compensated for in order to advance in the real world, Neptune is encouraging you to go beyond the limits of your knowledge and beliefs in order to find eternal truths.