Astrolutely Fabulous! | established in 2000



The Week Ahead for Taurus

Monday, 29 July – Sunday, 4 August

If you’re sensing that things are about to change, you’d be right. August is a month of shocks and surprises. There is little you can do to prepare for something totally unexpected, but if you see a red flag, deal with it in as expedient and diplomatic manner as you can. Other people could be spoiling for a fight, and there’s no need to get tangled up in the politics of it all. A new moon at the base of your chart opens a fresh chapter for home and family life, and there could be a surprise announcement that has you looking for new dates in that diary of yours.

Exciting biting?

See last week’s forecast below.

Click here for my YouTube videos.

Monday, 22 July – Sunday, 28 July

Cast your mind back to mid-to-late April. Did something happen that changed the map in some way? Perhaps a situation began then and is now at a critical point – do you continue or not? Or maybe you decided to keep going with a project despite the challenges, and the time has come to decide whether that strategy has paid off. Especially if you have an April birthday or planets and points around one degree of the fixed signs (Taurus, Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius) you are undergoing a series of profound changes and however the terrain looks now, in two years’ time it will look very different.

Eliminating the negative.

See the month ahead forecast below.

Click here for my YouTube videos.

The Month Ahead for Taurus

July 2024

Make a little room for the unusual and the uninvited. With a new moon and a full moon flanking the axis of travel and communications, you could be on your way to foreign parts or encountering situations that take you into new territory. There is no reason to suppose that those things that come out of left field won’t be marvellous, it’s just that celestial Bulls like to be in control and don’t welcome surprises. The week of the 15th is when most of the fireworks happen, but if you’re ready to take a leap of faith and be an unexpected hero, it could be the best thing ever.

See the Year Ahead Forecasts below


The Year Ahead for Taurus

Ready for change of the best kind? Pluto is all about ending the old, beginning the new and reinventing yourself.  On the one hand, you may decide to leave a job in order to pursue a career you have always wanted and, on the other, a job may end, inspiring you to channel your talents in a radically different direction… Uranus is behind any instant attractions and unexpected romantic developments, and more likely if you belong to the 9 -18 May birthday group. May and October are key months for your love life, as are the periods around 2 March and 19 August. The new moon of 8 May inspires new beginnings.