Astrolutely Fabulous! | established in 2000



The Week Ahead for Taurus

Monday, 29 April – Sunday, 5 May

If you’re newly in love or passionately engaged with someone, these alignments are doing their work. On the other hand, if you’re in a puddle of confusion and you feel someone has let you down, these influences are also doing their work. On Monday, Venus enters your sign for a month-long visit during which time you should experience improvements and find more love in your life. However, Venus is currently angling Pluto, which is bringing buried issues to the surface, rather uncomfortably in some cases. As with all Pluto transits, a purge of some kind is taking place.

Highs and lows.

See last week’s forecast below.

Click here for my YouTube videos.

Monday, 22 April – Sunday, 28 April

On 28 October last year, a solar eclipse in the zone of relating set a six-month cycle in motion, which ends on Wednesday with the full moon in Scorpio. This full moon also marks the close of a six-week period of intense planetary activity. Thus, one way or another, you are drawing a line in the sand. For many Taureans, this line in the sand refers to a relationship, whether you are ready to make a binding commitment or prepared to end one. And with Mercury turning direct, from this point on you should be able to make decisions you have been dithering over for a while.

Decision time.

See the month ahead forecast below.

Click here for my YouTube videos.

The Month Ahead for Taurus

May 2024

With Venus in your sign, how can you go wrong? And for many Taureans love is the reason this is the best month of 2024. May is the time to gain control of your life. However strong other people appear to be or however weak you feel your position is, the force is with you. Make someone an offer, initiate a meeting and act as though you’ve already achieved your ends. It’s not exactly fake-it-till-you-make-it so much as riding this astrological wave while it is available. The week of the 13th is the most challenging and you may have to make unplanned changes, but adapt and advance.

See the Bigger & Better than Ever Year Ahead Forecasts below


The Year Ahead for Taurus

Ready for change of the best kind? Pluto is all about ending the old, beginning the new and reinventing yourself.  On the one hand, you may decide to leave a job in order to pursue a career you have always wanted and, on the other, a job may end, inspiring you to channel your talents in a radically different direction… Uranus is behind any instant attractions and unexpected romantic developments, and more likely if you belong to the 9 -18 May birthday group. May and October are key months for your love life, as are the periods around 2 March and 19 August. The new moon of 8 May inspires new beginnings.