Astrolutely Fabulous! | established in 2000

The Week Ahead for Leo

Monday, 29 July – Sunday, 4 August

August is going to be one of the most pivotal months of the year, if not the most pivotal. Put a ring around the 19th because that is when three alignments will be in play that could change everything, or at least alter your opinions of certain people. So, now is the time to get your ducks in a row, putting in fire-walls and creating plan Bs, just in case Mother Nature or the cosmic joker puts a spanner in the works. Certainly, if your instincts are informing you that something isn’t quite right, obey them. Check out anomalies and make sure everyone involved in an endeavour is singing from the same hymn sheet.

Obey your instincts.

See last week’s forecast below.

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Monday, 22 July – Sunday, 28 July

On Monday, the Sun enters Leo and a new year-long solar cycle is poised to begin. It is a time of renewal. For those of you with birthdays on or near the 22nd or with planets and points on or near zero degrees of Leo, Aquarius, Taurus and Scorpio, this may, however, be a tumultuous period. Life is changing in ways you never expected and without your say-so. And whenever you were born, Tuesday’s Sun-Pluto opposition is all about elimination and regeneration. While events themselves may inspire this process, you should take the opportunity to remove anything that is patently toxic in your life.

Time for a detox.

See the month ahead forecast below.

Click here for my YouTube videos.

The Month Ahead for Leo

July 2024

Preparation is all. Aside from planning and organizing a special event, you need to be ready to act on a situation that has been sending out distress signals for a while. And that situation may well be relationship-shaped. The period around the 21st represents ground zero: for some Leos, it’s the end of a way of life and the beginning of a new and brighter chapter, for others what has been lying under the surface emerges with powerful but positive consequences. Avoid pushing yourself beyond your limits early in the month, so that you will be on the top of your game by the end of it.

See the Year Ahead Forecasts below

The Year Ahead for Leo

From May, your spirit of enterprise will kick in giving you the impetus to start new business projects and join forces with like-minded souls. Some Leos will get the recognition they have long sought and a few may achieve fame, or at least their moment in the sun… Uranus is not only shaking the tree you have carefully planted and nurtured, but it is trying to awaken you to your true self and the direction in which you should be headed.  It’s not just a wake-up call but a call to arms… You may become enthralled with someone who will open you up to all manner of feelings you never knew you had, and you may decide that this is the person for whom you will go to the ends of the earth.


