Astrolutely Fabulous! | established in 2000



The Week Ahead for Pisces

Monday, 21 October – Sunday, 27 October

Before you can open a new chapter, aspects of the past that are regretted or incomplete need to be addressed. Then you can go forward clean and clear. This week, the Sun makes its last square to Pluto in Capricorn, so even if a situation doesn’t come back to haunt you, it is the perfect time to go back over old ground in order to set things straight or take away something of value from the experience. It is not the time to make a new enemy or to act out of revenge. There’s no need to set new “bad” karma in motion.

Closing the book. 

See last week’s forecast below.

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Monday, 14 October – Sunday, 20 October

If you’re seeking to bring a short, sharp end to something, you couldn’t have better stars. On the other hand, if you’d rather nothing ruffled your calm pond of life, dust off your diplomatic bag. Thursday’s full moon flanks the axis of self-worth, so there could be a satisfactory ending to a sale or some other financial negotiation. On the other hand, a simmering monetary situation could come to a head. Don’t let other people rattle your cage and don’t be pressed into an action you believe is not in your best interests. Once the dust settles, things will be easier to resolve.

Don’t get into it. 

See the month ahead forecast below.

Click here for my YouTube videos.

The Month Ahead for Pisces

October 2024

You are in the deeps in October. You may be digging into the past, mining for extra cash or finding new depths to a relationship. Settlements can be reached and financial wrangles settled. On a mundane level, this is an optimum time to strike new agreements with banks and lending institutions and to talk money with partners. On a more profound level, it is about facing your fears and dealing with the uncomfortable issues in a relationship that are preventing it from thriving. What you bring to the surface may not be half as ugly as you fear. Likewise, events on and around the 12th may help your cause, not hinder it.

See the Year Ahead Forecasts below

The Year Ahead for Pisces

Jupiter’s arrival at the base of the life-direction axis is exactly what you need to give you confidence and hope in the future. Aside from May 2024 – May 2025 boosting property matters, whether that means sales and purchases, or finding the funds you need for a home or home improvements, it will also encourage family business endeavours. The family is the source of all manner of good things in 2024/25… When Saturn comes into your own sign, you are experiencing a re-birth. The experiences of the previous 29, 15 or 7 years have given you the material with which to embark on the next stage of your personal journey.