Astrolutely Fabulous! | established in 2000



The Week Ahead for Virgo

Monday, 22 July – Sunday, 28 July

Pluto influences bring what has been hidden into the light. This may mean you suddenly become aware of feelings you didn’t know you had or information could emerge that throws a whole different complexion on a situation. It is a time of illumination. And even if life appears to be the same as ever, the opportunity is there for you to make deep and profound changes. On Thursday, Mercury enters Virgo inspiring you to give voice to your ideas and encouraging more movement and dialogue in your life. You are in the driver’s seat and it’s up to you to decide where you’re going.


See last week’s forecast below.

Click here for my YouTube videos.

Monday, 15 July – Sunday, 21 July

These are far from ordinary times. Whether you’re looking at events out there, in the world, or witnessing them in the lives of friends and family, they’re not run-of-the-mill. Indeed, they could be unprecedented. Mars-Uranus conjunctions breed change and the unexpected; they preside over breakthroughs and breakdowns. Pop a full moon into the proceedings and you’ve got a situation that comes to an end in a surprising way. This does not mean the week ahead cannot be joyful and successful, it just means that things are likely to work out rather differently from expectations.

A week with a wow in it.

See the month ahead forecast below.

Click here for my YouTube videos.

The Month Ahead for Virgo

July 2024

Learning something new is empowering and it seems you’re going to be doing a lot of seeking and finding in July. It is an ideal time to acquire a new skill and to add to your bank of knowledge and experience. It’s also a great time to reset your long-term aims. Late in the month a series of stellar influences could preside over a major discovery, which in turn will enable you to make a move you have been considering for some while. Where once there was confusion and doubt, there is now clarity and conviction. July is not an easy month but when was moving mountains easy?

See the Year Ahead Forecasts below

The Year Ahead for Virgo

Some of the best opportunities lie in distant places… Late March, early June, mid-September and Christmas are all points at which much could change, and for the better… You might fall helplessly in love, but once the spell has broken, you may find your prince or princess is a frog! By contrast, if love is true, that love will grow into something lasting and your lover, even if he or she has webbed feet, will be loved for who they truly are… Often we do not realize when we’re in a golden period and fail to embrace opportunities when they arise. Only later do we see that the better time we were waiting for has come and gone. Seize that moment.