Astrolutely Fabulous! | established in 2000



The Week Ahead for Libra

Monday, 29 April – Sunday, 5 May

Feeling a little sluggish? Short of an incentive to get moving and motoring? Not for long. On Tuesday, Mars heads into your opposite sign stirring your ambitions and desires, although you may find you will be running into more opposition than usual. Certainly, you can expect a little more action in life. Given that the rest of the astrology is hardly a walk in the park, you now have an ace up your sleeve when it comes to tackling a challenge. Nevertheless, strategy is just as important as courage, so before you leap into action make sure you have all the facts and an end game.

Going into battle?

See last week’s forecast below.

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Monday, 22 April – Sunday, 28 April

“Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen and six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds and six, result misery” This famous quote by Dickens’ Mr Micawber, could resonate with many Librans right now. Not all, but many. Wednesday’s full moon flanks the axis of self-worth bringing a simmering financial situation to a tipping point. By contrast, this full moon could signal the end of a longish period of financial struggle. Mercury turns direct the following day, all of which adds up to a time when the dithering is over and definitive action to be taken.

Balance in all things.

See the month ahead forecast below.

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The Month Ahead for Libra

May 2024

Mars is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it gives you an edge which enables you to achieve your objectives but it can also generate aggravation. And since Mars will be focusing its energies on love and relationships, you may find you are either the object of intense interest or in the line of fire. Do your best not to step on people’s toes early in the month – remember, you’re the zodiac’s diplomat – and although you may believe a certain plan of action is wrong, far better you go along with it for the time being. On or near the 18th, anticipate good news and/or a great opportunity.

See the Bigger & Better than Ever Year Ahead Forecasts below

The Year Ahead for Libra

Travel and people from foreign parts could play a part in your love story, and some Librans will be going to the ends of the earth to find love in 2024 – literally or metaphorically… Uranus and the unpredictable go hand in hand, and in the eighth house this can mean unexpectedly coming into money… A love affair could similarly change your life, and although you may end up with your lover, there will be a price to pay… You reap a harvest with Saturn. And in the sixth house you’re playing with the theme: working to live or living to work… if you have been weathering a financial storm, you may now find your situation improving. And it could be improving because of a partner’s good fortune