Astrolutely Fabulous! | established in 2000



The Week Ahead for Libra

Monday, 16 September – Sunday, 22 September

It’s time to put on your diplomatic boots and head for the negotiating table. Or maybe, the think tank is more appropriate. All the usual suspects (Pluto et al) are gathered together so while there is room for breakthroughs and hand-shakes, it won’t take much to derail a project and upset a couple of apple carts. Work is the most likely arena for any game-changing developments and although we cannot take fate out of the equation it’s amazing what making good choices can do to turn events in our favour. Rule nothing out.

Rule nothing out.

See last week’s forecast below.

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Monday, 9 September – Sunday, 15 September

With the Sun and Mercury moving through the obscure twelfth house, you may feel even less inclined to make an important decision or reveal your true thoughts and feelings. However, this is a temporary state of affairs and by the end of the month, you should have more information to hand and the confidence to deal with a situation that requires effort and skill. Treat other people’s versions of events with a pinch of salt: if there isn’t enough evidence to support those high hopes or deepest fears, why go there? In due course, all will be revealed. Rest, relax and release!

Rest, relax and release!

See the month ahead forecast below.

Click here for my YouTube videos.

The Month Ahead for Libra

September 2024

This should be your time to chill, but not this September. While the Sun is moving through the area of rest and replenishment, Venus is in your sign and your star in the ascendant. Flaunt your assets and pursue your ambitions and desires. It may be that you will receive an offer or a situation that has been in motion for a while suddenly gathers momentum; then again, you may simply have to give all you’ve got to something in which you passionately believe. However small that light at the end of the tunnel may look, go toward it.

See the Year Ahead Forecasts below

The Year Ahead for Libra

Travel and people from foreign parts could play a part in your love story, and some Librans will be going to the ends of the earth to find love in 2024 – literally or metaphorically… Uranus and the unpredictable go hand in hand, and in the eighth house this can mean unexpectedly coming into money… A love affair could similarly change your life, and although you may end up with your lover, there will be a price to pay… You reap a harvest with Saturn. And in the sixth house you’re playing with the theme: working to live or living to work… if you have been weathering a financial storm, you may now find your situation improving. And it could be improving because of a partner’s good fortune