Astrolutely Fabulous! | established in 2000



The Week Ahead for Pisces

Monday, 16 September – Sunday, 22 September

This is an impressive week by any astrological standards. On Wednesday, the first eclipse in an eighteen-month season of eclipses on the Virgo-Pisces axis takes place. Especially if you were born in mid-March, this eclipse could and should preside over an important development, one regarding a relationship or involving the actions of another person. Neptune and Saturn are in the mix, so that old theme of dreams versus reality is playing long and loud. Never lose sight of your dreams and even those that do not come true are helping you find the ones that can.

Never lose sight of your dreams. 

See last week’s forecast below.

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Monday, 9 September – Sunday, 15 September

Hell is other people, or so the saying goes, however, pouring soothing oils on troubled waters can work wonders. This is the moment to wave an olive branch in front of those who are the source of conflict, and vice versa, if someone offers to talk peace, accept with grace, even if you don’t feel like it. For some Pisceans, this advice relates to a family situation; for others it is about a one-on-one relationship: either way, when you feel more positive about the situation, it will magically improve! You don’t need me to tell you this has been a difficult year, and this is a period in which to find resolution and a new resolve.

Make peace.

See the month ahead forecast below.

Click here for my YouTube videos.

The Month Ahead for Pisces

September 2024

September is one of the key months of 2024. On the 18th, a lunar eclipse in Pisces takes place – the first in an eighteen-month series – empowering you but also ending a long chapter. This would be an appropriate time to marry or make some other long-term commitment. However, if something draws to a close around this time, accept the situation with grace because it is releasing you for new joys and successes. Some Pisceans will be taking on new and welcome responsibilities and receiving rewards for past efforts; others will need to get back to the drawing board: your time will come.

See the Year Ahead Forecasts below

The Year Ahead for Pisces

Jupiter’s arrival at the base of the life-direction axis is exactly what you need to give you confidence and hope in the future. Aside from May 2024 – May 2025 boosting property matters, whether that means sales and purchases, or finding the funds you need for a home or home improvements, it will also encourage family business endeavours. The family is the source of all manner of good things in 2024/25… When Saturn comes into your own sign, you are experiencing a re-birth. The experiences of the previous 29, 15 or 7 years have given you the material with which to embark on the next stage of your personal journey.